Studies on the efficacy of VitiGO’s ingredients.
In VitiGO, psoralen from celery extract helps repigment the skin areas affected by vitiligo. That this ingredient is indeed effective, and how it works, has been examined in several studies.
We have described some of these studies here in lay language for those who are interested. Experts can find the scientific abstracts on the website of the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) by clicking on the list of sources.
Celery extract has anti-inflammatory effects.
In this study, celery extract was added to a cell line of macrophages (scavenger cells of the immune system). It was found that this clearly inhibited the production of nitrogen monoxide radicals and the activity of the enzymes responsible for this. From this the study group deduced that celery extract is anti-inflammatory.
An extract of Apium graveolens var. dulce leaves: structure of the major constituent, apiin, and its anti-inflammatory properties. Mencherini T, Cau A, Bianco G, Della Loggia R, Aquino RP, Autore G., J Pharm Pharmacol. 2007 Jun;59(6):891-7
Psoralen promotes repigmentation
In this publication, several studies were compared that had investigated the topical and oral administration of psoralen combined with exposure to UVA light in the treatment of vitiligo and psoriasis. In 56% of patients, repigmentation of over 75% was achieved, most clearly on the face and body.
5-Methoxypsoralen. A review of its effects in psoriasis and vitiligo.
McNeely W, Goa KL., Drugs. 1998 Oct;56(4):667-90.
Successful psoralen therapy
Even as early as in the 1980s, an Indian research group documented that the facial skin of 45% of the vitiligo patients that they monitored was fully repigmented after two to three years of therapy with psoralen and sunlight. Some 60% of all patients showed a 75-100% repigmentation in the head and neck area. Repigmentation was better on the chest, torso and back than on the hands and legs.
Safety and therapeutic effectiveness of 8-methoxypsoralen, 4,5’,8-trimethylpsoralen, and psoralen in vitiligo.
Pathak MA, Mosher DB, Fitzpatrick TB. Natl Cancer Inst Monogr. 1984 Dec;66:165-73.
Effect of various psoralens
In early 1970s, a comparative study of the pharmacologically-active forms of psoralen TMP (= trimethylpsoralen, 8-methoxypsoralen and psoralen) showed that in 8.9% of patients complete repigmentation and, indeed, in 59.5%, overall improvement and repigmentation had been achieved. The effect of psoralen and trimethylpsoralen was substantially better than that of 8-methoxypsoralen.
A comparative clinical evaluation of trimethylpsoralen, psoralen and 8-methoxypsoralen in treating vitiligo.
Sehgal VN. Int J Dermatol. 1975 Apr;14(3):205-8.
UV rays accelerate the effect of psoralen
In this case study it was proved that areas affected by vitiligo repigmented faster when they were also irradiated with UV light after topical treatment with psoralens.
Trimethoxypsoralen in vitiligo.
Annamalai R, Subhan SA, Vasantha M, Lal MB. Int J Dermatol. 1976 Nov;15(9):690-3.